It wasn’t until I had a baby of my own that I became OBSESSED with the family photo.

It probably has something to do with being a mom who rarely gets a photo with her baby (other than a selfie.)

I want to give that to you!

I want to make sure you have photos to cherish of you are your babies at every important milestone. From bringing that fresh newborn home, to capturing their first birthday. It’s all so exciting! And what can I say, I am complete mush now when it comes to those chubby cheeks!


I love, love, LOVE portraits!

Like, I could shoot people all damn day. It’s like breathing to me… actually, better. Getting that good shot is exhilarating, like a firework has gone off inside of me and I can’t wait to share it with the rest of the world.


Oh hi!

Follow along on insta for daily CUTENESS. And the occasional dish he lets me make (and then eat cold.)